Saturday, April 2, 2011

Perhaps I will keep them..

On Caturday, April 2, 2011, I was taken from my home and all my brothers and sisters to a new place with no brothers or sisters at all. There were two humans though, a very tall man-type and a tall-but-not-quite-as-tall girl-type. Suspecting that I had been catnapped and would be held for ransom, I figured that it would be very clever of me to be nice to my captors so they would be nice to me.

However, as time went by, it was clear that my plan had backfired. I was so nice and so adorable, they obviously decided to just keep me for themselves. Curse me and my irresistible cuteness! I bet I wouldn't have these kind of problems if I was one of those weird,  smooshed-faced Persians. Anyway, I hid behind some books in a bookshelf for a while so I could plot my escape.

Then? They gave me treats; I am beginning to think that my situation is not so deplorable as I originally thought. We will see!

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